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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4471-4478

An Investigative Analysis Of The Relationship Between An Effective Business Communication And Employee Performance

Rajeev Sharma, Md. Saifullah Khalid, Dr. Nyarik Geyi.


Organizations, according to Kotler, must consider both how we might get at our patrons as well as how our clients might approach us in order to be successful. Kotler (2009, p.564) describes the process as follows: This demonstrates the importance of communicative interactive marketing in the relationship between a firm and its customers. Today, according to Kotler, communication is an interactive interaction between a business and its customers 3 that occurs at all stages of the sales process, including before -sales, product-marketing and merchandise-consumption as well as after the customer has purchased the product. Additionally, Kotler asserts that mechanical advancements had a significant impact on communication methods.

Key words: marketing organization, communicationaland management.

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