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Case Report

IJMDC. 2023; 7(6): 962-965

Cerebral vasculopathy after COVID-19 infection in the central region of Saudi Arabia: a case report

Hajar Abdullah Alsudairi, Seetah Manna Alharbi, Mohammad Jawwad Alamjir, Rabeaa Yousif Elamin.


Background: The most common symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are dyspnea, fever, cough, headache, diarrhea, and myalgia.
Case Presentation: We report a case of peripheral cortical borderline cerebral vasculopathy associated with COVID-19 infection in a young female patient who presented with seizures and a history of acute confusion and generalized tonic-clonic seizure. She was diagnosed with COVID-19 disease 1 week ago before the presentation. Her illness was mild and did not require hospitalization. The magnetic resonance imaging study revealed cerebral vasculopathy. COVID-19 infection and other risk factors can increase the risk of cerebral vasculopathy. To our knowledge, no other case of peripheral cortical borderline cerebral vasculopathy associated with COVID-19 infection has been reported in Saudi Arabia.
Conclusion: This report highlights the importance of considering seizures and cerebral vasculopathy as manifestations of COVID-19 disease. Physicians should consider seizures due to cerebral vasculopathy among the expected neurological complications of COVID-19 to aid early detection and management of COVID-19- associated complications.

Key words: Case report, COVID-19, seizure.

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