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Vet. Res. Notes. 2021; 1(3): 23-26

Evaluation of the effectiveness of phytogenic feed additive on hatchable egg production performance in Cobb 430 Y breeders under field conditions

Vishwanath Gopal Bhagwat, Balamurugan Ellusamy, Rangesh Paramesh.

Cited by 0 Articles

Objective: The objective of poultry breeder management is the production of fertilized eggs. The purpose of this study was to see how phytogenic feed additive (PFA) affected hatchable egg production in Cobb 430 Y breeders and the economic ramifications.
Materials and Methods: In a broiler breeder farm in Bengaluru, a total flock size of 10,000 Cobb 430 Y breeders (58+ weeks old) were selected and equally distributed into two groups, viz. T1 and T2. The typical control and treatment groups were T1 and T2, respectively. T1 and T2 were reared on commercial feed, and T2 was simultaneously supplemented with PFA (500 gm/ton). Assessment parameters, such as hatchable egg production and economics of PFA usage, were determined.
Results: In a broiler breeder farm, the hatchable egg production performance was enhanced by supplementing with PFA (500 gm/ton) for 7 weeks. Furthermore, the use of PFA resulted in a net profit of Indian rupees 20,000 for the broiler breeder farm owner.
Conclusions: Under field conditions, PFA (500 gm/ton) is advised to promote hatchable egg production in Cobb 430 Y breeders.

Key words: Cobb 430 Y breeders; economics; hatchable egg; Hhatchability; PFA

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