Purpose: The study of the relationship ,between the age at menarche and socioeconomic status in a rural area in Sudan. Work method: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted in Altadamon and Eldubha areas in the northern state of Sudan during year 2006. It included 182 girls of age between 13 to 18 years in elementary and secondary school. Work results: The mean age at menarche for girls in Northern Sudan in this study was 13.93 ± 1.29 year, the mean menarcheal age in these girls are amongst the lowest values presented for African countries. The mean duration of menstrual bleeding among girls in the Northern Sudan in this study was 4.8 ± 1.22 days. We also found statistically significant differences in age at menarche between girls whose parents had a higher educational level and those with a lower educational level and also according to the economic status and size of the family. Conclusion: Between the girls whose parents were living together and girls whose parents separated there was a significant difference of 1.02 day.
Key words: socioeconomic status, age at menarche, Sudanese girls