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Research Article

JIRLS. 2020; 2(1): 27-34


Abbas Yusuf Bazata, Aliyu Abdullahi Turaki, Maryam Lami Riskuwa-shehu, Amina Muhammad.


In wastewater treatment biofilms forming organisms play a vital role in degradation of inorganic and organic compounds to produce biogas or to remediate the polluted water through construction of biofilters. This can reduce the adverse effect that may occur due to direct discharge of waste water to the environment. The study investigates the physicochemical properties of the wastewater as it affects the anaerobic digestion of abattoir wastewater for the production of biogas. Physiochemical properties were analyzed and authenticated using standard procedure. The gas production was measured by water displacement method. The following biofilm producers, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas spp. Escherichia coli and Bacillus spp. were used in producing biogas from abattoir waste water sample. The results in this study indicate a mean pH value of 7.2 and mean temperature of 30.5OC. The dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD) and Chemical oxygen demand (COD) value obtained range between (8.9-10.9mg/l), (15.2-21.0) and 2.0-2.9mg/l respectively. Sample analysis for Phosphate showed 0.3mg/l and Nitrate value recorded 15.7mg/l. The volume of biogas production increases after the first week up to the second week and declined from the third to the fourth week. Biofilm producers isolated from water distribution system can be used in wastewater treatment by degradation of organic compound present through the process of anaerobic digestion to produce biogas. It is therefore recommended that, renewable energy companies should use biofilms for the production of biogas due to their ability to utilize inorganic and organic compound found in wastewater.

Key words: Biofilms, waste water, Biogas In wastewater treatment biofilms forming organisms play a vital role in degradation of inorganic and organic compounds to produce biogas or to remediate the polluted water through construction of biofilters. This can reduce the adverse effect that may occur due to direct discharge of waste water to the environment. The study investigates the physicochemical properties of the wastewater as it affects the anaerobic digesti

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