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Original Research

RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 681-684

Work-related Stress: A source of psychological distress among private university teachers during COVID-19

Ansa Qurat-ul-ain.


Objective: To examine the level and effect of work-related stress on psychological distress among private university teachers of Pakistan during COVID-19.
Methodology: The study was web-based and cross-sectional in which 300 Google forms were disseminated online using The Work-Stress Questionnaire (21-items) and Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (10 items), respectively. A total of 272 university teachers were included.
Results: The level of work stress and psychological distress was found to be high, especially during the period of online lectures. Moreover, a positive significant relationship was found between both variables indicated by 2.263 t-values significant at 0.05 level of significance and variance of 62% in psychological distress.
Conclusion: The changes in the work environment and conditions that occurred due to COVID-19 had a strong significant adverse effect on university teachers. Formulation of psychological interventions is required to mitigate the psychological effects of work-related stress in them.

Key words: Covi-19, work stress, psychological distress.

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