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JEAS. 2021; 8(2): 45-53

Automatic Cloud-based Digital forensics artefacts categorization

Shabnam Mohamed Aslam.

Cited by 0 Articles

Cloud Computing technology enables to delivery of online services on-demand to clients. The boom of cloud computing reaches its peak and now available services from different aspects right from education to entertainment. The world top organizations run with the base of cloud services. On the other side, there is a drastic growth in cybercrimes. The top-notch technology called Digital Forensics emerges to control the Cybercrimes in part. This research focuses on performing digital forensics process on cloud computing in such a way that prevent security breaches through cloud services and trace the incidents and forgeries. It is explored some ways in which the digital artefacts can be collected from cloud services that are widely being used by every other corner of the world in this paper. The ways to retrieve forensic evidentiary artefacts from the cloud services are engineered using digital forensic tools. Pilot tests are conducted to analyse the success of artefacts retrieval from current cloud SaaS.

Key words: Cloud Forensics; Digital Forensics;Cloud Cyber Security;Cloud Computing

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