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The impact of life of a child with cerebral palsy on the quality of life of mothers: Tuzla Canton/Bosnia and Herzegovina

Alma Glinac, Selma Sinanovic, Lejla Glinac, Lejla Matovic.


The aim of the study was to examine the impact of the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy (CP) on the quality of life of mothers. A total of 122 subjects participated in the study. The general quality of life assessment of paediatric subjects PedsQLTM 4.0 Generic Scale and the specific PedsQLTM 3.0 Module Cerebral Palsy Version 3.0 were used to assess the quality of life of children with CP, and the quality of life of mothers was assessed with the PedsQLTM 2.0 Family Impact Mode Questionnaire. In the present study, the quality of life of mothers is influenced by the physical and social functioning of the child, while the impact of emotional functioning has not been proven. The specific difficulties faced by children with CP, which have a statistically significant effect on the overall quality of life of the mother, are present in the domains: daily activities, mobility and balance and nutrition. The assessment of the quality of life of mothers and children with CP should be an integral part of the clinical assessment, as this will enable professionals to participate more successfully in providing professional assistance in the form of services, therapeutic approaches and prevention programs.

Key words: Quality of life of mothers; Cerebral palsy; Evaluation; Disability.

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