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Results of surgical treatment of glomus tumor

Kubilay Ersin Turkmen, Mehmet Yildiz, Ahmet Atilla Abdioglu, Kerim Oner.


Objectives: Glomus tumor, usually seen in the fingers, is normally involved in the regulation of blood pressure and the temperature, characterized by sharp pain, tenderness, and cold intolerance of the hand are rare tumors.
Methods: We reviewed 30 patients who were operated for glomus tumor between 1993-2012 retrospectively. Patients were preoperatively evaluated complaints and physical examination findings; postoperative complications and recurrences.
Findings: 20 patients were women and the mean age was 40.7. mean follow-up time was 7 years. Symptoms were pain (100%), tenderness (68%), nail deformity (45%) complaints were operated with the time elapsed between the beginning of 2.4 years (6 months- 12yıl), respectively.
Conclusion: Glomus tumors are often diagnosed by their characteristic clinical symptoms; pain, tenderness and cold intolerance. Given the considerably delayed time to diagnosis, glomus tumors should be taken into consideration in the presence of severe finger tip pain of unknown origin. These patients are usually operated for other reasons because of difficulties in diagnosis. After the exploration of the tumors on nail bed, was repaired properly observed.

Key words: Glomus tumour, tenderness, nail disease, cold intolerance

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