The nose is a complex structure and nasal alar surgical reconstruction is a delicate process, aimed at restitution of functional and aesthetic requirements. The goals of reconstructive surgery for the burn patient are first to restore function, then to restore aesthetic appearances. Restoration of the burned nose should take the highest priority considering its position. In the presence of surrounding facial burns, nasal reconstruction with equally burned tissue is likely to produce a more harmonious appearance. We report our experience with versatility of nasal dorsal turned down flap in reconstruction of nasal ala has been demonstrated in these 3 cases. Reconstruction was bilateral in two female patients and unilateral in the male patient. A split-thickness skin graft was obtained from the thigh area with adequate matching. None of the patients suffered complications in terms of flap necrosis or graft loss. The patient follows up ranged from 6 months to 18 months. Turned down flap with split-thickness skin graft is a simple steadfast procedure for nasal alar reconstruction. Its a single staged reconstruction of nasal ala with acceptable aesthetic and functional outcomes.
Key words: Burned Nose, Nasal Ala Reconstruction, Turned Down Flap, Split Skin Grafting, Burns Reconstruction