Background: Vitamin D deficiency has been attributed to multiple disorders. Most recently, vitamin D deficiency has been correlated to the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. Accordingly, awareness of the public on the importance of vitamin D can significantly reduce these medical problems. This study evaluates the awareness of vitamin D deficiency among adult residents in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
Methodology: This is a quantitative cross-sectional study that included a survey analysis distributed online to the general public in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. The survey included questions to collect demographic data and to evaluate the knowledge of participants. A total score for the correct answers was calculated to evaluate the level of knowledge objectively. Data analysis was executed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 26.
Results: A total of 304 participants from Makkah, Saudi Arabia, responded to this questionnaire. 75.3% were in the age group 18-28 years. 82.9% were males, 91.1% were Saudi, and 73% were single. Furthermore, 78.9% had a university degree. More than half of the responders had good awareness levels about vitamin D. On scoring their awareness, the average score was 9.64 ± 2.5, out of 14. The most significant risk factor influencing the awareness of Makkah residents toward vitamin D was educational level at a level of significance p-value = 0.028
Conclusion: Awareness about vitamin D deficiency among residents in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, was found to be satisfactory. Further studies in other areas are recommended.
Key words: Vitamin D, awareness, Saudi Arabia, residents.