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Research Article

IJLSAS. 2020; 2(1): 1-7

Effect of nitrogen sources on the degradation of salicylate by a Pseudomonas sp

Kavita Nagshetty and Madhuri R. Basutkar.


The production and the usage of synthetic organic chemicals have enormously increased with the growth of industrialization and this lead to the accumulation of toxic compounds as environmental pollutants. Salicylate is the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon derivative, used in the medicines, and it is strong antimicrobial (antibacterial and antifungal) agent used in the pesticides.Salicylic acid and its derivatives are thus the chemicals of environmental concern. Owning to their irritant, toxic and tumorigenic nature, it is very tough to degrade these chemicals. In this direction present study was conducted. Biodegradation of salicylate by pseudomonas spand the salicylate hydroxylase and catechol 2, 3 dioxygynase production capacities is exploited by the optimization of culture conditions which lead to strain improvement and also investigated the effect of nitrogen and nitrogen source, in the degradation by this bacterium. The possible involvement of an indigenous degradative plasmid in the degradation of salicylate is also studied.

Key words: Polycyclic, Salicylate hydroxylase and catechol 2, 3dioxyginase.

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