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Case Report

Med Arch. 2011; 65(6): 373-374

Cheilitis Granulomatosa

Mirjana Gojkov-Vukelic, Sanja Hadzic, Alma Kantardzic.


Cheilitis granulomatosa is a rare disease characterised by the recurrent labial swelling of one or both lips with the possibility of the condition to remain on a permanent basis. The disease may appear independently or it may be linked to a paralysis such as the facial and lingua plicata which then characteristic of the Melcersson-Rosenthal Syndrome. The aim of this paper is to show a case of a patient with the granulomatosae cheilitis and lingua plicata whose reaction to the Chymoral Forte treatment was excellent.

Key words: Macrocheilia, Cheilitis granulomatosa, Melcersson Rosenthal Syndrome

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