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Case Report

Med Arch. 2011; 65(6): 368-370

Scleroderma – from the Aspect of Dental Medicine

Amira Dedic, Adisa Pasalic, Mia Hodzic, Semsa Basovic, Mersiha Avdic, Enes Pasic.


Modern etiopathogenic and diagnostic procedures of oral diseases are founded on molecular biology, genetic engineering, autoimmunity, pathohistological, cytological and immunofluorescence methods. The autoimmune processes may include the humoral and cellular immune responses and all organ systems may be involved. The systematic and orofacial manifestations of the scleroderma with medical and pathohistological documentation indicates to interdisciplinary cooperation in the treatment of such patients. The multidisciplinary approach in patients with scleroderma requires and suggests the most efficient prophylaxis treatment from the aspect of dental medicine. The systematic and orofacial manifestations of the scleroderma with medical and pathohistological documentation indicates to interdisciplinary cooperation in the treatment of such patients. The multidisciplinary approach in patients with scleroderma requires and suggests the most efficient prophylaxis treatment from the aspect of dental medicine.


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