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Med Arch. 2011; 65(6): 339-342

Attitude of the Macedonian Intensivists Regarding Withdrawal of therapy in Intensive Care Patients: Curriculum for Policy Development

Mirjana Shosholcheva, Dragan Gjorgjev, Fimka Tozija.


Ethical confusion regarding withdraw of therapy led to the aim of the study in which the knowledge and attitude of the Macedonian Intensive Care Unit (ICU) doctors and their impact on decision making process were assessed. Methods: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) study has been conducted on a national sample of 217 ICU doctors (response rate 83,87%), applying restructured EURELD 2002 questionnaire as study instrument. CHI-square test was used for cross tabulations. Results: 103 responders were females and 79 males with mean age 40,2 years ±3 y. Significant percent of the doctors didn’t know what is withdraw of therapy, chi-square 34,47 (p

Key words: withdraw of therapy, ICU doctors end-of-life decisions, quality of life, advanced directives

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