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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(2): 1395-1412

Technological Leadership In Public Education Schools In The Eastern Province Of The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

Obaid bin Abdullah Al-Subaie, Abdullah bin Misfer Al-Hamali Al-Qahtani.


The aim of the study was to examine the extent to which technological leadership is practiced in public schools in the Eastern Province and identify the main obstacles faced by public school leaders from the point of view of educational supervisors. The study followed the descriptive-survey approach. Aquestionnaire was used to collect data from the study sample of 305 supervisors in public education offices in the Eastern Province. The results of the study showed that the degree to which public school leaders of in the Eastern Province practice technological leadership was average. The main obstacles are the lack of adequate financial support for the transition towards technological leadership, the lack of information technology infrastructure in schools, and the lack of technology skills among school leaders.

Key words: Technological Leadership,Public Schools , Educational Supervision.

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