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Acupuncture Methods and Challenges in Improving Sleep Quality and Insomnia

Shahram Samadi, Asghar Hajipour.


The role of acupuncture in insomnia has been well established and it has been proven to be one of the most popular insomnia therapies, however the analysis of the efficacy of acupuncture on insomnia and its difficulties is not well known. Within this sense, the research analyzed the processes, procedures and difficulties of acupuncture within managing insomnia and measured the effectiveness of each procedure. To order to do that, we analyzed the literature using specific search engines including Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Online and MEDLINE. The role of acupuncture in sleep efficiency and depression has been thoroughly explored, but acupuncture's effect on sleep initiation is not precisely established. Acupuncture has proven effective in minimizing short-term distress and depressive effects, such as cognitive behavioural treatment (CBT-I). This approach should be used in conjunction with other strategies and approaches to reduce the activation period in order to increase the consistency of the night.

Key words: Acupuncture, Sleep quality, Insomnia.

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