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Original Research

RMJ. 2012; 37(2): 148-151

Sleep habits of first year and final year medical student.

Ayyaz Ahmed Bhatti, Umar Ali Khan, Humaira Fayyaz Khan.


Introduction: Poor sleep quality is reported to be associated with cardiovascular events, road traffic accident, poor academic performance and psychological distress. Objectives: The study was carried out in first year and final year students to determine their sleep habits.Study Design: It was a cross- sectional study and its duration was one year (March 2010-March 2011). Setting: Study was conducted in Islamic International Medical College Rawalpindi and IIMC-T Railway General Hospital Rawalpindi. Subjects and methods: A total number of 60 MBBS students were randomly selected, divided into Group ˝A˝ comprised of 30 students from first year and 30 from final year class out of which 50% were female and 50% were male. Their sleep habits were assessed by sleep questionnaire. Results: Final year female students have significantly more number of naps as compared first year males students (P≤0.015) while number of awakenings at night was also statistically different between first year females and final year males (≤0.025) Conclusions: This study signifies that the medical students had decreased quality and quantity of sleep

Key words: Sleep, habits, medical students

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