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Review Article

Vet. Res. Notes. 2022; 2(1): 1-10

Dietary manipulation to improve the gut health of poultry

Khan Md. Shaiful Islam, Mst. Mahomudha Akhtar.

Cited by 0 Articles

Due to poor gastrointestinal tract health, the modern poultry industry faces challenges such as economic loss. Small open-air houses are exposed to the disease, and the feed is the primary infection route that worsens the situation in many developing countries. In the modern poultry farming system, both feed conversion efficiency (feed to live weight or egg mass) and livability are vital. Both these characteristics are mainly dependent on the bird’s gut health. It is crucial to go over the specific aspects that influence poultry gut health and a description of nutritional manipulation to improve it for possible poultry production so that we can provide consumers with high-quality, safe animal protein. This review describes the updates on the manipulation of nutrition to improve the gut health of poultry.

Key words: Diet; gut; health; poultry; immunity

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