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The Effect of Dietary Protein Quality on Short-Term Satiety and Daily Energy Intake

Nurgul Arslan, Funda Pinar Cakiroglu, Bulent Yaprak.

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Introduction: Some protein structures in the structure of foods are known to provide long-lasting satiety. Depending on the food source, this period of satiety can be shortened or lengthened. It has been reported that in diets for treating obesity in which long-term satiety is a goal, animal-derived proteins can help people feel fuller for longer. This study aimed to examine the effects on satiety markers after breakfast of consuming breakfast foods prepared with different protein sources.
Materials and Methods: The study included 40 participants but concluded with 39 participants. Sixteen males and 23 females participated in the research. The participants in the study were randomly assigned to begin the investigation. After 12 hours of fasting, the study participants were offered two breakfasts on separate days. Two distinct breakfasts consisting of foods of animal origin and foods of vegetable origin were served.
Results: The breakfasts had similar calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber. Before and after breakfast, a VAS scale with seven satiety markers was created and applied. The scale was applied 0 minutes before breakfast, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 120 minutes, and 180 minutes after breakfast. After breakfast, it was observed that the satiety markers of animal origin had a longer duration and higher scores than those of plant origin.
Conclusion: In cases where energy restriction is necessary, it has been determined that increasing the protein quality in the foods consumed can provide long-term satiety regardless of the amount consumed.

Key words: Dietary protein, satiety, hunger, energy intake

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