Objectives: to assess the Prevalence of Un-Diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea among adults in the Aseer region, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: A current study complied a descriptive cross-sectional approach targeting all available adults in the Aseer region, South of Saudi Arabia. A total of 1050 eligible adults received and completed the study survey. Data were collected from participants using a pre-structured electronic questionnaire. OSA screening STOP-Bang) the questionnaire, was used to assess the severity of OSA based on the snoring, tiredness, reported apnea, high BP, BMI, age, neck circumference, and male gender.
Results: A total of 1050 participants completed the study survey with their ages varied from 18 to 65 years with a mean age of 30.6 ± 10.8 years old. The majority of participants were males (77.7%; 816). As for body mass index, 57 (5.4%) had BMI below 18.5 kg/m2 (underweight), 261 (24.9%) were overweight, 195 (18.6%) were obese, 225 (21.4%) morbid obesity. The most-reported signs and symptoms were laziness and lethargy during day time (56%) followed by feeling tired while walking up (55%), urgent desire to sleep during daytime (51%), snoring loudly (50%), feeling anxious (49%), gasping during sleep (44%).
Conclusion: In conclusion, the research showed that more than two-thirds of the study adults had moderate to high risk for OSA. The highest prevalence was detected among male adults at old age with a high body mass index.
Key words: Obstructive sleep apnea, prevalence, adults, manifestations, risk factors, snoring, diagnosis