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JJCIT. 2021; 7(2): 104-117

Arbiter Design Based On Quantum Dot Cellular Automata

Ziyad Altarawneh, Mutaz Al-Tarawneh.


The development of nano-scale quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) has been drivern by the immense need for high performance and energy-efficient computational systems. In this paper, 2 and 3-input QCA-based arbiter de- signs were presented and investigated. A number of 2-input arbiter structures were introduced and compared with a majority-based structure. Simulation results show that the proposed structures outperforms the majority-based ar- biter in terms of number of cells, area and energy dissipation while achieving similar arbitration functionality. In addition, efficient resource utilization is obtained by configuring the proposed structures to consider the input prior- ities when making arbitration decision. Moreover, two 3-input arbiters were designed based on the proposed 2-input structures and proved to achieve the intended arbitration functionality. Ultimately, the proposed arbiter designs can serve as basic building blocks in handling resource sharing in system on chip (SoC).

Key words: QCA, System-on-Chip, Arbiter, Resource Utilization

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