Background: Since the discovery of antibiotics, they have been in use broadly for the treatment of odontogenic infections. Prescription is a dynamic, custom¬ized clinical process, which is set owing to the necessities of patient & the acquaintance of the practitioner.
Aim: To evaluate the knowledge regarding the prescription of antibiotic for treatment of endodontic disease and errors made by the house officers at Multan Dental College
Setting: Multan Dental College Multan
Methodology: This survey-based study was conducted among 40 house officers working at Multan Dental College. A survey form was designed, about the pattern of antibiotics prescription and the situations for which they were recommended by the House officers.
Results: The medication of choice was mostly Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (52.6%) and Amoxicillin alone (47.3%). The most incidence of antibiotic prescription was reported for acute abscess of periapical area of the tooth (62.8%) and patient having fever with malaise (62%). Chronic apical abscess with sinus tract (58%). Overall, 12% of part takers were used to suggest p antibiotics for root canal treatment.
Conclusion: We conclude that here is deficiency of information & knowledge for the proper indication, kind, and antibiotics dose. Different educational activity like symposium or lectures should be practiced to teach the practitioner to prescribe antibiotics. Curriculum & syllabus should offer great emphasis on prescribing.
Keywords: Antibiotics, Endodontics, Prescription, prophylaxis, Root canal treatment (RCT)
Key words: Keywords: Antibiotics, Endodontics, Prescription writing, prophylaxis, Root canal treatment (RCT)