One of the most useful smart connected devices for projects and applications on any scale is the Internet of things
(IoT). IoT devices connect people with their surroundings and environment and can be on any branch of study whether it is
medical, engineering, chemical, etc. With the Arduino UNO System, this research created a pilot Smart Air purification system
that not only detects harmful pollutants, but also purifies the air. Researchers hoping to overcome some of the shortcomings of
current air purifiers with the developed model, like overpricing, lack of data, and portability. The developed model has an
onscreen real-time data analysis, a wide-range MQ 135 Sensor, and a four-step decontamination and sterilization process. As of
the stage of testing, the pilot model showed satisfactory results in the process of detection, where it detected ammonia, carbon
dioxide, Sulphur, and all the stated detectable pollutants, even alcohol. The filtration unit has also shown promise, but has not yet
been developed into a fully operational system, and the results of the filtration system are based on statistical and theoretical
Key words: UV-C, Arduino UNO, TiO2 (Titanium Dioxide), HEPA, MQ-135, Photocatalysis