The ability of an employee like doctors and paramedic staff to balancing work-life conflict obviously contributes to the employee performance in both family and workplace. Given the perishable nature of the performance by doctors and paramedics, WLB is challenge for all the employees in healthcare. Further, research tells that if support of the supervisor/colleagues and organization is there for employees to properly manage their WLC and WLB, the employee performance can be maintained and improved. Current study statistically measures the dynamics of WLB, SGS, OS, and EP of the sample of doctors and paramedics to test the impacts of WLB on EP and mediation of SGS and OS in strengthening this relationship. Using ‘Positivist-philosophy’ scientific methods of survey approach and statistical tools were used to collect data and extract answers for the research hypotheses.
Key words: Work-Life Balance [WLB], Supervisor/Group Support [SGS], Organizational-Support [OS], and Employee Performance [EP].