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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3865-3871

Literature And Pandemic: A Study With Special Reference To Sri Gita

Kakali Santra.


It is said that literature is the mirror of life. ‘Sri Gita’ is such a piece of literature that symbolises human philosophy. What should be the attitude to life is taught in this very scripture. We can easily identify our lives as the battle of Kurukshetra. In this terrible era of pandemic, we are now caught in; literature can show the light to the path of life. In Sri Gita, Sri Krishna symbolises human philosophy and Arjuna is actually humanity itself. In this battle of life, philosophy is showing the way and the humanity seeing and getting the knowledge of Truth. The battle of Kurukshetra and the battle of this pandemic era have no difference. Both the battles are for establishing existence of humanity once more. There is only the difference of time. Long ago in Sri Gita we see Sri Krishna advised Arjuna how to overcome difficulties of life. Now the mother-nature has taken the role of Sri Krishna to make us know how to deal with the danger we are in now. In ‘Dhyana yoga’ of Sri Gita, a disciplined life is prescribed, total controlled life, in eating, moving, social mixing, sleeping, awaking, in all respect. We see the same changes in our today’s life too to flight COVID-19. By practicing yoga one can have control over one’s self- it was prescribed for mankind long thousands of years ago in Sri Gita. We are now taking proper food, maintaining hygiene and spending time with our family members. Everyone is maintaining life which was long forgotten perhaps. But in this pandemic era the great literature of Sri Gita is as valuable, as it was, bearing the same importance.

Key words: Study , Special , Reference , Gita

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