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Research Article

ECB. 2022; 11(11): 46-63


Sarah Mohammed Abed, Nagham Mahmood Aljamali.


Innovative Macrocyclic Formazan Compounds as a bio-compounds were generated and advanced globally designed for the initial stage by investigator Professor. Dr. Nagham M. Aljamali in 2019) via more than five steps of reaction with various catalyst like (Sodium- alkali 5% ,Pipridine, trimethyl amine , etc.). For that reason, these invented compounds act one of the advanced and new assemblies which have a deficiency of references and researches which lead us to prepare and create a restraint of these innovated compounds and studied by abundant requests in future literatures represented by biological, pharmaceutical, nano, antimicrobial studies, also as anticancer agents ,Normal Formazan was first synthesis over a century ago, but still attention of chemists ,biologists ,technologists and other specialists and here in this research. A numeral of applied spectroscopic studies have been used to revel their chemical assemblies which delivered to sturdy indications of their chemical assemblies through various technical devices like (FT IR-Ranges, 1H.NMR-Ranges, 13C.NMR-Ranges)., Also anticancer study

Key words: Macrocyclic Formazan, Normal Formazan ,Schiff base, Azo, Anil, innovative compounds, breast cancer.

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