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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 3948-3957

Effects Of Warm-Up Exercises On Performance Of Athletes

Alia, Habib Ullah, Noor Muhammad Marwat, Dr Ejaz Asghar, Muammad Touqeer Awan, Muammad Iftikhar, Abdul Baqi Panhwar.


Purpose of this particular study was aimed to find out the physical and psychological effect of warm up exercise on performance of athlete. Hundred athletes were selected N=60 male and N=40 female age between 18 to 27 years, athletes from Faisalabad division. Injured and pregnant athletes exclude in my study. Non-probability convenience sampling method was adopted for cross-sectional study. 7 to 10 minutes warm up protocol follow the athletes, physical self- description questionnaire (PSDQ-S, Marsh) used for data collection. Researchers concluded that null hypothesis was rejected and researcher’s objectives were supported by the results of the study. Results after warm up exercise improve athlete’s performance and physical self description variables have psychological significantimpact on the skill and fitness of athlete of division Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Key words: Warm up, joints, endurance

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