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M. Ashrafuzzaman, A. K. M. Golam Sarwar.


During updating the plant holding database of the Botanical Garden, Bangladesh Agricultural University, we have identified seven species of the family Acanthaceae in cultivation new to the flora of Bangladesh: Strobilanthes alternata (Burm.f.) Moylan ex J.R.I.Wood, Hypoestes phyllostachya Baker, Justicia plumbaginifolia J.Jacq., Odontonema tubaeforme (Bertol.) Kuntze, Pseuderanthemum maculatum (Lodd.) I.M.Turner, Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum (A.Gray) F.T.Hubb. ex L.H.Bailey and Whitfieldia elongata (P.Beauv.) DeWild. & T.Durand. Genera Odontonema and Whitfieldia are reported for the first time in Bangladesh. The taxonomic descriptions of the species, including the most recent nomenclature and the most frequently used synonyms, as well as information on flowering and fruiting time, ecology, mode of propagation, uses, global distribution, and conservation status, are presented here.

Key words: Acanthaceae, New records, Odontonema, Whitfieldia, Bangladesh

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