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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3831-3841

Gita Mehta's A River Sutra: Juxtaposition Of Nature, Ecophilia And Culture

Sanghita Jash, Dr. Priti Banerjee.


A River Sutra,the famous work by Gita Mehta is a rediscovery of Indian myths, folklore, traditions, rituals, music, art forms, legacy, as well as superstitions, which are meticulously knitted together . This literary piece is a covert representation of various transformational processes, such as from life to death, from myth to reality, and from the mundane to the spiritual world, from chaos to order. The novelist employs the art of narrative technique, once adopted by the ancient Indian writers, to craft an ambiance of vivacity. Here, the Narmada is depicted as a course of life and serves as a thread, and the stories of various individuals mentioned in the novel are the beads woven together. Moreover, this river is not merely a body of water, but a hidden symbol of justice and peace. It contents with supernatural power in attaining redemption for people irrespective of caste and creed. The richness of nature plays a pivotal role in the lives of each character depicted in the story. Impact of the ecology on human mind is also under scrutiny here by the author of the present article. This paper attempts to examine how all the above mentioned elements got juxtaposed and the imperatives of nature and culture keep her readers alive and drilled so much.

Key words: Myth, Narmada, culture, Spiritual, Ecology.

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