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Study of Acute Myocardial Infarction in COVID-19 patients admitted in Tertiary Care Hospital

Vidhi Naimesh Shah, Harsha D. Makwana, Parth Kapadia, Rohit Taviyad.

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Covid-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. It has spread throughout the World and WHO has declared it as Pandemic in March 2020.
Myocardial damage occurs either through direct damage by virus or cytokine storm leading to primary and secondary cardiovascular manifestations. Cardiovascular complications like development of acute myocardial infarction (MI) occur frequently in such patients and challenges in acute management.

Early identification provision of appropriate management in such patients decreases morbidity and mortality, so we decided to conduct this study.

Aims and objectives:
To study Covid 19 patients who developed acute MI during hospitalisation for:
1. Demographic details, clinical characteristics, treatment received and clinical outcome
2. Association with preexisting cardiac disease, risk factors and complications related to MI.
Material and Methods:
We have done ambidirectional, observational and analytical study done in 100 cases of corona virus 19 positive patients admitted to our ICU and developed acute MI during their ICU stay. Patients aged more than 18 years during study period from April 2020 to January 2021 were included in study. Age less than 18 years, hospitalized corona virus disease-19 negative cases, pregnant females and stable patients were excluded.
Data from hospital information system was collected, entered in Microsoft excel sheet (version 16) and analysed with Statistical package for the social science software.

Observation and Results:
In our study, covid-19 patients in the age group of 60-79 years, pre dominantly male gender, having multiple co morbidities and raised inflammatory markers are more in number for developing MI. 25 patients on mechanical ventilation were diagnosed by ECG changes, Echo findings and troponin I level, while remaining patients had chest pain, breathlessness, gabhraman and perspiration as symptoms. Inferior wall MI was common. 28 patients with STEMI were thrombolysed. The prognosis for developing acute myocardial infarction in covid 19 patients proved to be very poor as 91 patients deceased.

Covid-19 infected patients having hyper coagulable states and raised inflammatory markers are prone for developing MI with high mortality rate and poor prognosis.
Emergency physicians should be cautious while managing covid-19 patients for developing acute MI at any time. Early detection and prompt treatment by comprehensive care improves patientÂ’s survival rate and reduces mortality.

Key words: Hospitalised, Covid-19 patients, Acute myocardial infarction, STEMI

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