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RMJ. 2022; 47(1): 97-100

Impact of inter pregnancy interval on outcome among pregnant women with history of miscarriage

Najma Bano Shaikh, Erum Memon, Afshan Zia Sultana, Shabnam Shaikh, Muhammad Nadeem Chohan.


Objective: To determine the impact of inter-pregnancy interval (IPI) on outcome among pregnant women with history of miscarriage.
Methodology: This descriptive study was done from 27-January-2017 to 26-July-2017 and included145 women with history of miscarriage and currently having pregnancy of greater than four weeks, confirmed by beta HCG levels, urine dipstick test or ultrasound. Inter- pregnancy interval and pregnancy outcome was noted.
Results: Mean age of patients was 27.93±3.37 years. Outcome of pregnancies was miscarriage, one (0.7%), live birth 127(87.6%), perinatal death 18(12.4%), pre-eclampsia 14(9.7%), placental abruption 6(4.1%), preterm delivery 28(19.3%) and low birth weight 23(15.9%). Women having IPI of 1-6 months had 39(86.7%) livebirths, 0(0%) miscarriage, 7(15.6%) preterm deliveries, 5(11.1%) low birth weight newborns, 3(6.7%) preeclampsia and 2(4.4%) had Placental Abruption while in women having the IPI of 12-18 months was seen in 30(81.1%) livebirths, 1(2.7%) miscarriage, 12(32.4%) preterm deliveries, 10(27%) low birth weight newborns. 4 (10.8%) preeclampsia and 1(2.7%) had placental abruption.
Conclusion: There was no effect of IPI on live birth and miscarriage, while IPI of more than one year was associated with more chances of prematurity and low birth weight. There was no effect of IPI on placental abruption and pre-eclampsia.

Key words: Pre-eclampsia, preterm delivery, stillbirth.

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