Geological mapping of Gubi and Environs part of sheet 149, Bauchi NE was carried out, and a geological map of the area was produced. The area is dominantly underlain by metatexite and diatexite migmatites, granites and minor schist. However, this work is essentially centred on the migmatitic rocks. The samples of the migmatites and schist were analyzed in the field using hand lens and in the laboratory using a petrographic microscope. The essential minerals identified are quartz, feldspars (albite, orthoclase, microcline and andesine), biotite, clinopyroxene and some accessory minerals such as garnet and opaque minerals. Myrmekite microstructure was also identified. Though the rocks are all migmatites, they exhibit some variations in their colour, structure, texture and to some extent their mineral compositions which is thus used in classifying the migmatites morphologically into metatexites and leucocratic, mesocratic and melanocratic diatexites.
Key words: Gubi, petrographic studies, metatexites,
diatexites migmatites, leucocratic, mesocratic and melanocratic