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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3801-3823

Shg’s: Decision-Making Framework Through Rural Women Empowerment With Special Reference To Varanasi District Of Uttar Pradesh

Reena Sonkar, Dr. Lalit Mohan Choudhary.


Decision-making capacity of women is one of the most important aspects for women empowerment which enhances their level of understanding and reasoning, appreciate their potential risk and make them able to express their own choices. Women’s participation in decision-making process plays a significant impact on their improved status and greater role in society. The major challenges facing by Indian women is to ensure their share in decision-making processes and enhance active participation in the development of their family, society, state and the nation. The condition of the deprived sections of women is pitiable and they are facing many obstacles and challenges in the families as well as in the society. The actual situation of the society reveals that men are the active participant in decision-making process of the family and the society while in case of women despite of their big contribution in the family they are not attaining equal space in decision-making process due to their economic dependence on their family, inaccessibility of resources and lack of economic opportunity to them. This article emphasis to SHG’s relationship of decision making through rural women empowerment with special reference to Varanasi District of Uttar Pradesh.

Key words: SHG, Decision, Rural, Women, Varanasi, Empowerment.

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