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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 4733-4736

Auction With Block Chain (Abc)

Gurusubramani S, Jayandan K, Mahendran R, S. Sudharshan Kumar.


Tenders or Auctions are generally used by governments and companies to procure goods or services. The government spends huge tax amounts to improve the public infrastructure of the city. Tax amounts can be reduced by utilizing the power of NON-DIGITAL ADVERTISEMENTS and BLOCKCHAIN, such that a complete tender management process is ensured and made efficient as it has distributed ledger for making online auction in a very fair manner. Advertisement spots such as Bus stops, Buses, Metro Pillars, Railway Stations are auctioned to the companies as they invest in their creative advertisements. Thus the popularity and production of their products are increased. In this case, we make use of Hyper ledger blockchain technology to secure transaction-based documents along with transactions such as tender documents, applications, tender proposals, company profiles, past records, approving officer details, rejection details to ensure a completely transparent tendering process.

Key words: Tenders

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