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RMJ. 2023; 48(2): 286-288

Relationship between health consciousness, self-compassion and social connectedness among adolescents and young adults during covid-19 lockdown

Arsalan Haider, Kainat Zia, Maaz Sultan, Ayesha Nida.


Objective: To determine the association between health consciousness, self-compassion, and social connectivity in adolescents and young adults during covid-19 lockdown.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study used a purposive sampling technique to collect data from 300 subjects, 50% of adolescents and 50 % of young adults aged 13 to 30, from the Malakand division who had experienced quarantine or the lockdown during the covid-19 pandemic.
Results: The findings revealed a strong link between health consciousness, self-compassion, and social connectivity. Young male adults scored better on health consciousness, self-compassion, and social connectivity than young females. On the other hand, female adolescents had higher social connectivity, health consciousness, and self-compassion than male adolescents.
Conclusion: Health consciousness, self-compassion, and social connection were shown to have a good association and substantial gender differences in current study.

Key words: Health Consciousness, self-compassion, social connectedness, adolescents, young adults, pandemic, Covid-19 lockdown.

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