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Turk J Vasc Surg. 2023; 32(1): 11-8

Early outcomes of mantis pharmacomechanical thrombectomy system combined with catheter-directed thrombolysis for treatment of acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis

Gorkem Yigit.


Aim: The purpose of this research was to investigate the early outcomes of pharmacomechanical thrombectomy (PMT) with the Mantis device and adjunctive catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT) for the treatment of acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis (IFDVT).
Material and Methods: Twenty patients with symptomatic acute IFDVT were successfully treated with the Mantis rotational thrombectomy device and CDT, between August 2020 and March 2021. Patients' demographical, clinical and follow-up data were obtained and analysed retrospectively. Villalta and Pain Severity scores were utilized to assess the patients for the occurrence of post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS).
Results: The procedural success rate was 100%. All cases presented early clinical improvement. No device related complications were encountered. Reocclusion was observed in 3 (15%) patients. Pre-procedural median pain score was 7 (range: 6–8) and 1 (range: 0–7) at 12-month following thrombectomy (P < .001). Pre-procedural median Villalta score was 7 (range: 3–11) and 1 (range: 0–13) at 12-month following thrombectomy (P

Key words: Deep venous thrombosis, pharmacomechanical thrombectomy, catheter-directed thrombolysis, postthrombotic syndrome, balloon angioplasty

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