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Comparison of powerpoint with animation enhanced traditional demonstration and traditional practical demonstration in physiology among first year undergraduate medical students

Sayam Subhash, Delinda Linu Swornila D, Pramod Thomas, Aswathy L, Anusha Merline J, Prasanna Kumari L, Varsha D.

Cited by 4 Articles

Background: Effective teaching learning activity in physiology practical classes increases learning in cognitive and psychomotor domains with an aim to generate a competent medical graduate. Currently, multimedia teaching tools are being widely used and proven to be effective in enhancing the academic performances in theoretical teaching. Our study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of multimedia in practical classes.

Aims and Objectives: The objective of this study is to compare cognitive scores, psychomotor scores, and student’s level of satisfaction and acceptance while undergoing powerpoint (PPT) with animation enhanced traditional demonstration and traditional practical demonstration of hematology practical sessions.

Material and Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted in 96 1st year MBBS students, attending physiology practical classes, after obtaining permission from the institutional ethical committee. Traditional demonstration (Group A) and PPT with traditional demonstration (Group B) were given in two practical sessions. Immediate, short-term, and long-term theory retention capacity (cognitive scores) was assessed using pre- and posttest scores. Psychomotor scores were assessed using objective structured practical examination (OSPE) scores. Student’s feedback was taken.

Results: Both groups showed an equal increase in their immediate retention capacity. However, Group B showed an insignificant marginal increase in short- and long-term retention capacity. There was a significant increase in short-term psychomotor scores to that of immediate OSPE scores in both groups. However, Group B showed high significant retention capacity (P = 0.007). Student’s feedback revealed traditional method promoted better understanding, whereas PPT with animation gave better clarity, evoked interest, and allowed better 3D view and apparatus identification.

Conclusion: PPT with animation can be used as an adjunct to the traditional hands-on demonstrations to strengthen teaching learning activity in physiology practical classes.

Key words: PowerPoint with Animations; Traditional Demonstration; Physiology Practical Classes

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