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Case Report

AAM. 2022; 11(3): 287-293

Effect of Ayurveda intervention in COVID-19 patient with respiratory distress: A case report

Mehul Barai, Hetalben Amin, Dhara Barai.


World Health Organization documented SARS-CoV-2 as a public health concern in March 2020. India has the world's fastest growing outbreak of COVID-19 in absolute numbers according to WHO, reporting more than 3.01 crore infections as of June 24, 2021.COVID-19 is considered as a Janapadoddhwamsa vikara (~epidemic disease) where role of Ayurveda Intervention have been advocated to combat the epidemic. By adopting the Ayurveda principles, hope to recover from high risk co-morbidity of COVID-19 is expected. A 45-year-oldmale, COVID-19 positive, was not responding from his condition even after hospitalization and all necessary allopathic interventions till 15th day of admission to the hospital. He was not able to breathe normally and was on oxygen support. D-Dimer was raised and High-Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) was 15/25. In the same Hospital, after applying the Ayurveda intervention, clinical recovery was observed with improved D-Dimer and HRCT. Within three days of Ayurveda interventions, the symptoms were reduced gradually and oxygen support was reduced. It was the case in which, even after prolonged stay in hospital with oxygen support, where patient did not found any recovery, was able to get complete recovery with Ayurveda interventions. Ayurveda interventions can contribute in such reverse COVID-19 manifestation with respiratory involvement.

Key words: Ayurved, COVID-19, Janapadoddhwamsa

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