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Case Report

Benefits of back massage in reducing the pain of childbirth in the active phase of labor at the Armiyanti Clinic, Asahan Regency, Indonesia in 2020

Joharmi Joharmi, Nani Jahriani.

Cited by 0 Articles

It was found that 67% of mothers felt worried, 12% felt very worried, and 23% did not feel worried, about labor pain, so reducing pain is an important thing and needs to be considered by health workers/birth attendants through efforts to overcome labor pain. One method that is very effective in overcoming is by massage, which is a non-pharmacological method used to reduce labor pain. This study aims to determine the effect of back massage treatment on reducing maternal pain during the active phase of labor at the Armiyanti Clinic, Asahan Regency in 2020. The research was conducted at the Armiyanti Clinic, from March to May 2020. This research was analytic using accidental sampling with a population of 20 women giving birth. Data processing using Editing, Coding, Processing, Cleaning. The results of the study shown that giving back massage affect reducing the level of maternal pain in the active phase with a value of p = 0.000, with the reduction of pain, the mother will feel comfortable during the labor process and the mother will not wait too long for the delivery process. The next researchers can conduct a deeper study including the physiological side that causes massage of the mother during the active phase of labor to reduce pain, to create a more precise massage method.

Key words: back massage, labor pain, reducing, childbirth, mother

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