Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is common in Pakistan. Since this can lead to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, there is dire need for its prevention. While there are many strategies to achieve this goal, immunization against HBV is of prime significance. There are several effective vaccines that are available in the market at reasonable cost.1,2 The problem is awareness and motivation to receive the vaccine and at the same time complete the full course.
While a complete vaccine course provides nearly 100% antibody level (anti HBs) against HBV, it is important to complete the course. It has been reported that vaccine course has been incomplete in medical students3,4 and doctors.5 To assess the development of optimal levels of antibody after vaccination, determination of anti HBs has been performed.6 Several studies have shown that antibody levels do not develop enough to be seroprotective, if the course not completed, especially in younger children.6,7
Key words: Hepatitis B, HCC, HBV, anti HBs