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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7804-7810

Identification And Recognition Of Brain Tumor At Early Stage With The Help Of Image Processing Technique

Dibyahash Bordoloi, Durgaprasad Gangodkar.


A brain tumor is defined as the abnormal growth of cells in the brain. There are many types of brain tumors exist some of them are noncancerous and some are cancerous. If the brain tumor is cancerous, early prediction may leads to cure the tumors. These brain tumors are highly dangerous because they accumulate the pressure on the healthy parts of the brain and starts to spread that leads to serious conditions. The increase in pressure is due to the blockage of fluids that flows around the brain that leads to increase the pressure in entire skull regions. Thus by predicting the brain tumors at the early stage can cure them with appropriate treatments. The proposed system identifies and recognises the brain tumor cells at an early stage with the image processing techniques by identifying the tumor cells with healthy cells.

Key words: Tumor cells, brain, pressure, image processing technique, feature extraction

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