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Case Report

EJMCR. 2022; 6(5): 79-83

Bipolaris infection presenting as granulomatous pleuritis and mediastinal mass in a young immunocompetent man: a case report

Nadia Sharif, Sana Nasir, Niaz Hussain Soomro.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Bipolaris species are dematiaceous fungi that originally are plant pathogens but have been reported to cause a wide spectrum of diseases in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent human hosts.
Case Presentation: We report a case of a young immunocompetent man who presented with fever, dry cough, and malaise. He had unilateral pleural effusion with mediastinal mass. Histopathology of pleura and mediastinal mass revealed granulomatous inflammation with fungal pseudohyphae. Tissue cultures grew Bipolaris species. He is on itraconazole with significant clinical improvement.
Conclusion: This clinical presentation of Bipolaris infection has not been previously described. In Pakistan, where tuberculosis leuritis is frequently encountered, this case highlights that other rare causes of granulomatous pleuritis can also present in a similar fashion.

Key words: Case report, Pheohyphomycosis, granulomatous pleuritis, Bipolaris infection.

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