Introduction: The importance of managing Atopic Dermatitis (AD) lies not only in their proper treatment, but primarily in their early detection and in the correct determination of the cause of the disease. AD is a common pruritic, chronic, relapsing, inflammatory skin disease occurring primarily, in childhood. The clinical picture of AD varies substantially depending on the age of the patient. Aim: We presented three cases of AD which fond them interesting from a lot of reasons. Results: Case three is mono sensitizated against house dust mite, only (inhalants), also to milk and white egg, with symptoms of very Severe form of AD. So, we put him in hypoallergenic diet (hypoallergenic milk and diet without egg) and also started with SLIT against house dust mites. After 3 year of treatment the changes during the skin completely disappeared. This boy we have treated four years before, very successfully. The use of immunotherapy is still a matter of debate in the various guidelines for the treatment of this very complicated disease. Immunotherapy can be expressed only in the well-chosen group, sensitized patients in aeroallergens. Especially in monosensitized patients we expect satisfactory achievement (our third case, today after a treatment we achieved absolute success). But we must not forget that this therapy lasts three to five years, so patients may feel tired and physically exhausted (as in our second case). Conclusion: While in cases where we are dealing with polysentisizited patients and extremely sensitive (our first case), we should be very careful. Except the possibility that the patient may respond to us with undesirable reaction, we should also be very careful with the selection of the vaccine and initial dose of application. In these patients, we are looking forward for the biological therapy.
Key words: Atopic Dermatitis, SLIT.