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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 3991-3999

A Smart Network Attack Detection And Prevention Using Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding In Arbor Networks

Dr. S. Haseena, Dr. A.M.Barani.


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) pose a serious risk to the cyber community because of their ability to quickly bring down targets. There have been DDoS amplification attacks aimed at Memcached vulnerabilities. DDoS attacks, were launched against GitHub and Arbor Networks. The main objective of cybercriminals is to steal data or threaten to destroy it for ransom. In this paper, we develop a damage reduction technique to the service provider that blocks the victim's IP address. It will take time and money to restore everything. Network attacks are viewed as one of the most serious cyber threats by half of organizations. The threat of Network is greater than threats such as unauthorized access, viruses, fraud and phishing. The simulation is conducted to test the efficacy of the model against various models and the results shows improved efficacy than other methods.

Key words: Network, attacks, vulnerabilities, inaccessibility, reputation, restore.

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