Food adulteration is a global concern and developing countries are at higher risk associated with it due to lack of monitoring and policies. However, this is one of the most common phenomena that has been overlooked in many countries. Unfortunately, in contrast to common belief, milk adulterants can pose serious health hazards leading to fatal diseases. In this study the pasteurized and fresh cow’s milk samples were tested for the detection of common adulterants and observed for the results. The adulterants starch, benzoic acid and salicylic acid, soap, formalin, urea and microorganisms were detected with qualitative test. The adulterants benzoic acid and salicylic acid were found to be present in all the tested milk samples. Though the addition of benzoic acid and salicylic acid in meagre amount is permitted as it is a preservative. The other adulterants were found to be absent in all the tested samples. The presence of microorganisms was also detected in the milk samples.
Key words: Adulterants, Milk, Quality analysis