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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 3301-3310

Investigating The Antibacterial Activity And Phytochemical Screening Using Methanolic Leaf Extract Of Mimusops Elengi

Dr. M.Nithiya soundari, M.Arputha Bibiana.


The plant Mimusops elengi commonly known as 'Spanish cherry' is found mostly in South Asia. The stem, barks, leaves and fruits of the plant are used in the preparation of various Ayurvedic medications to treat some ailments. The present study involves the preparation of methanolic extract using the M. elengi leaves by soxhlet extraction method. The crude extracts were further subjected to preliminary phytochemical testing which reveals that the methanolic extract contains flavonoids,saponins,alkaloids,carbohydrates,fats, fatty acids and sterols. Methanolic leaf extract using Mimusops elengi were prepared and screened for their antibacterial activity against four different clinical samples including E.coli, Pseudomonas sps, Vibrio sps and Salmonella sps. The minimum inhibitory concentration was done for the methanolic extract against the selected bacterial strains. The zone of inhibition was measured and tabulated. Among these four strains, the higher inhibitory activity was shown in E.coli, Salmonella sps and Vibrio sps then the Pseudomonas sps. In this in vitro study revealed that the plant mediated drug formulation may produce a higher activity in response to treat various diseases.

Key words: Antibacterial activity, phytochemical screening, well diffusion method and methanolic extract

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