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Preparedness of Dentists and Dental Clinics for Medical Emergencies in Jordan

Manal Abu Al Ghanam, Mohammad Khawalde.


Background: Dentistry, as most clinical specialties, has a wide range of invasive procedures in which patients are at risk of having a medical emergency (ME). The stress induced at clinic during treatment, the medically compromised elderly patients whom are increasing in number due to the new advancements in medicine and the invasive techniques such as injections, surgical flaps, devitalization or extractions are risk factors for medical emergencies’ occurrence. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and the training of dentists and the availability of the emergency drugs and equipment in a sample of dental clinics in Jordan. Methods: A questionnaire was designed and distributed using an online service to dentists all over Jordan. It included different question categories; Demographic, Medical emergencies, emergency equipment and medications and dentists’ self confidence and training to manage medical emergencies. Results: Number of 180 completed questionnaires were accepted for the study, 102 were females and 92 were specialists. 158 (87.8%) responders faced a medical emergency at their work place. Most common medical emergency faced in the clinic was the vasovagal attack 81(45%). Major emergencies were witnessed by 79(43.9%) of the dentists. 110 (61.1%) of the responding dentists had their training in medical emergency management after graduation from dental school while 49(27.7%) had their training during dental school. 156(86.7%) found themselves still in need for further training. Blood pressure meter was the most available device at clinics 33(18.3%) and was the most used. Defibrillators were only used by 13(11.3%) of the responders. Epinephrine, steroids and nitro-glycerine were the available drugs for medical emergencies management in the practices (27.8%, 26.7% and 18.9%) respectively. Most dentists were not confident enough to handle medical emergencies. Conclusion: Preparedness of dentists and dental clinics to handle and manage medical emergencies needs further attention and focus to assure prevention and management of such incidents.

Key words: dentists, medical emergencies, Jordan.

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