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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3754-3759

Evaluation Of Women Leadership In Indian Context

Dr. Silali Banerjee.


Women make up half of the world's population, but they continue to struggle with inequality in all spheres, including government and non-governmental organizations. In particular, they struggle with leadership because men consistently believe that women are incapable of serving as effective managers or leaders, but at the domestic level, men support women's work because they believe that women are only suitable for domestic work. It will take a long time and a lot of effort to achieve gender equality in organizations at all levels, so top management must be fully engaged in the process. Half of the world's population, women undertake two thirds of the labour, but they only possess one-tenth of the world's property and earn one-tenth of its income. Half of the world's population and more than 40% of the labour force are made up of women. The government has made numerous efforts throughout the years to advance women in its businesses and organizations. In developing nations, women produce more than half of the food grown, especially in rural areas. Numerous studies have demonstrated that women are successful managers as well as business owners. In this article, evaluation of women leadership in Indian Context has been discussed.

Key words: Women, Leadership, India

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