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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3648-3653


Rajgopal N. N, Dr. Kumudini Achchi.


The construction industry is one of the oldest industries in India, which employs a large number of workers of poor socioeconomic status. Mysore city is growing rapidly and large number of commercial buildings, houses, apartments, roads, and many more are under construction hence has seen significant rise in the number of migrants from various parts to work in construction industry. These workers suffer from lack of basic amenities leading to decreased quality of life which have been neglected seriously. To understand their challenges and to suggest remedies from social work point of view, the present study was conducted. To understand the same, the researcher has done literature survey and review. Further, has adopted exploratory research design and through self-developed interview schedule 200 respondents were interviewed based on random selection technique among 65 wards of the Mysore city corporation. Later respondent data was grouped and analysed using SPSS statistical 16.0 software to determine the awareness of welfare measures and Scheme. The study reveals that majority of construction workers were between the age group of 18-30 years having poor physical, social, and psychological Quality of life. Tobacco usage and smoking found to be common among men respondents. Few women respondents also used to tobacco chewing.

Key words: Mysore city, Construction workers, Migrant workers, Challenges.

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